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Notice how the previous to last keyframe has a length of zero and the times of the two last keyframes are wrong.
The keyframe widget is correctly rendered though.
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Carlos López wrote:
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Please follow those steps to reproduce:
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Konstantin Dmitriev wrote:
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djay wrote:
Yes, you right. In fact, this raises a question: how should we deal with disabled keyframes when doing ALT+drag?
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I think that moving disabled kf with Alt-Drag must react has moving (Drag) disabled kf : Waypoints must stay in place.
Currently, i'm working on fixing that. Tell me if it's not useful.
Konstantin Dmitriev wrote:
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djay wrote:
Yes, it is fine. I just was thinking about the ways to workaround the issue by introducing restrictions. (I had idea to forbid Alt+drag for disable d keyframes, but I'm not sure if it's right way to go) ^__^
Anyway, that would be great if you will fix it in the way as you described! ^___^
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Konstantin Dmitriev wrote:
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djay wrote:
"previous or next kf" - do you mean "previous or next WAYPOINT"?
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The meaning of "disabled keyframe" is following: it is a keyframe, which doesn't affect current document. Following this statement, we can conclude following statements about behavior of disabled keyframe:
Considering assumptions above, I think we need to make following changes to resolve this issue: