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OPEN  Bug report #946  -  strange sound issues
Posted Feb 03, 2016 - updated Mar 07, 2016
Issue details
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Status
  • Assigned to
    Not assigned to anyone
  • Progress
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
  • Posted by
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    Not owned by anyone
  • Category
    Not determined
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    Not determined
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    Not determined
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    icon_milestones.png Not determined
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    icon_customdatatype.png Not determined
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    icon_customdatatype.png Not determined
Issue description
When I try add sound file to the animation, it will do a strange loop, and when I try and add a bit delay, it will get faster instead.

How to reproduce:

  • import wave file
  • play sound
  • sound will be played nicely
  • increase delay from 0 to 16 (for example)
  • play sound
  • sound will start later (okay) but also it is faster (not okay) and a part of it is repeated in the wrong place
  • for example "hello there, how are you doing?" will become "hello there, o there, how are you doing?"
  • even more strange: when I press "pause" button and resume, then the speed will be okay again.

This was very confusing, because I try and align the animation of the character's mouth with the text that is said, but this way, the text is said at the wrong times. However, when I open the wave file in external player, it is still playing nicely.

This was tested on Win 8.1 64bit version, Synfig version 1.0.2
Steps to reproduce this issue
See description

Comment posted by
Feb 03, 20:13
See forum:
Comment posted by
 Konstantin Dmitriev
Feb 04, 16:13
A file was uploaded. Modified sound.wav file for testingicon_open_new.png
Comment posted by
 Konstantin Dmitriev
Feb 04, 16:18
Hello, Leris! Thank you for purchasing Synfig Training Course. I suppose you are running Windows. Please check if bug happens with the file that I just attached.
Comment posted by
icon_reply.pngFeb 12, 23:36, in reply to comment #4
Hello, Konstantin! You are correct, this happens for me on Windows version 8. I have tried above instructions with your new file. Unfortunately, the bug is still happening. Please let me know if I can help debugging in any other way. Thank you!
Comment posted by
 Konstantin Dmitriev
icon_reply.pngFeb 14, 15:54, in reply to comment #5
Hello, Leris! I was able to reproduce your issue at my installation of Windows 8 64bit. At the moment I am not sure why this happens. Probably MLT cannot find its presets for some reason. I need to investigate that. Also, I need to check if that happens on Windows 7... Please ping me within next week if I will keep silence. ^__^
Comment posted by
Feb 27, 22:34
Hey, Konstantin! Glad to learn, you could reproduce the effect on your machine as well, and it is not just my own incompetence at work here. I am working with Synfig without delays now and at least that seems to work fine. If you want, I can ask a colleague to test on Win 7, if that would help your research? Please let me know exactly what kind of description, log, etc. you may need. Thanks for all your support, I love Synfig! smileys/2.png
Comment posted by
 Konstantin Dmitriev
icon_reply.pngMar 03, 06:04, in reply to comment #8
Hello, Leris! My apologies for delayed reply.

I am working with Synfig without delays now and at least that seems to work fine.

So the problem has gone for you? This is really weird. Is it the same file (sound.wav) or some different sound? The problem is still here for me. Maybe you installed a different version of Synfig?

If you want, I can ask a colleague to test on Win 7

That would be great to have 1 or 2 more tests. I need to know if attached "sound.wav" file plays correctly.

Also, I have set up a virtual machine with Win 7 and I was able to reproduce the issue. But there is an interesting thing: the issue is less likely to happen when I decrease the count of processors (for the Virtual machine) to 1. The issue might be related with multithreading.

From my side I plan to do the following to eliminate the bug:

  1. I need to make sure that MLT profiles are properly loaded.
  2. I will try to upgrade to the latest version of MLT.
  3. I need to make sure that there are no multithreading issues happen (will ask our hired developer Ivan Mahonin about that).

I will try to keep you updated. Please feel free to ping me again if I will keep silence for a long period (that usually happens when I get overloaded with tasks, but any ping will help me to get this finished ^__^).
Comment posted by
icon_reply.pngMar 07, 16:29, in reply to comment #9
Hello, Konstantin! Sorry if I was not very clear. The reason I do not have problem now, is because I don't need the delay function currently. I am working without it. But I checked now, and the problem will still happen when I would use delay, even with the attached sound.wav file. Only for me currently, the problem is not too relevant. That is what I meant above. I am still using the version windows 1.0.2 from here as that is he only current version I found and I know how to install on Windows. I will let you know when I get the test results with the same version and your attached sound file but under Win 7. ^^ edit: Yes, I experience the problem on a machine with 4 processors, good observation!